List of mini-colloquia

Physics linked to Societal Issues

Physics and Culture
PSI1 - Matériaux et Patrimoine bâti
K. Beck (LaMé, Orléans), J. Berthonneau (CICRP)

Physics and Pollution
PSI2 – Physical Chemistry of plastics pollution : detection and analysis of micro- and nano-plastics, degradation mechanisms, interaction with environment and life
A.Merlen (MAPIEM), V. Lenoble (MIO)

Physics and nuclear energy
PSI3 – Plasma materials for nuclear fusion : development and characterization of plasma materials properties
M.-F. Barthe (CEMHTI), M. Diez (IRFM-CEA), M. Minissale (PIIM)

PSI4 – What are the material challenges and stakes for current and future generations of nuclear fission reactors?
F. Ribeiro (IRSN, Cadarache), Y. Pontillon (CEA, J.-M. Layet (PIIM)


Soft Matter and interfaces with other disciplines

Soft Matter and Mechanical Physics

SMMP1 - Fracture and Friction across Materials and Scales
G. Albertini (Univ. Nottingham), E. Bayart (LPENSL), M. Lebihain (Ecole des Ponts)

SMMP2 - Physics of divided matter
B. Darbois-Texier (FAST), M-J. Dalbe (IRPHE), V. Vidal (LPENSL), R. Valette (CEMEF, Mines), J. Marthelot (IUSTI)

SMMP3 – Fracture of hydrated materials
N. Bain (ILM), M. Vassaux (IPR)

SMMP4 – Soft and architected structures
H. Bense (LAUM), C. Lestringant (Ins. d'Alembert), S. Ramananarivo (LadHyX), E. Siéfert (LIPhy)

SMMP5 - Surface tension, soft solids and fluid-structure interactions
A. Bouillant (MSC), L. Domino (IUSTI), A. Duchesne (IEMN), C. Duprat (LadHyX)

SMMP6 - Statistical physics of disordered matter: physical properties of dense liquids and disordered solids, from atoms to pedestrians
C. Scalliet (LPENS), H. Meyer (ICS), B. Guiselin (LPENSL), J. Klamser (L2C), N. Javerzat (LiPhy)

Biophysics and Active Matter

BAM1 - Dynamics of biological and bio-inspired systems, from single particles to suspensions
B. Abou (MSC), R. Jeanneret (LPENS), M. Leonetti (CINaM), M. Reyssat (Gulliver)

BAM2 - Mechanics and microstructure of living matter across length scales
M. Merkel (CPT), F. Rico (DyNaMo)

BAM3 - Physics of Morphogenesis in Living Organisms
E. Gehrels (CINaM), R. Clement (IBDM), J-F. Rupprecht (CPT)

BAM4 - Physics of plants
A. Charrier (CINaM), L. Keiser, X. Noblin (INPHYNI), A. Lereu (Ins. Fresnel), J-B. Salmon (LOF)

BAM5 – Phase transitions in biology
P-F. Lenne (IBDM), J-M. Victor (LPTMC)


Solid state Physics

        Mesoscopic Physics

MP1 – Spin or Orbital current-induced magnetization torques and self-induced torques : how to distinguish between different contributions in magnetic materials
J. C. Rojas-Sanchez (IJL), A. Fert (Lab. Albert Fert)

MP2– Functional materials for spintronics
M. Jamet (Spintec), A. Lemaitre (C2N), L. Michez (CINaM), S. Plissard (LAAS)

MP3 – Emerging Majorana materials : towards topological quantum computing
G. Le Lay, T. Angot (PIIM), L. Raymond (CPT), A. Crépieux (CPT), P. Bondavalli (THALES)


IA in Solid state Physics 

IA1 - Advances in machine learning for materials modelling
M. Uhrin, R. Poloni (SIMAP)

IA2 - Artificial intelligence in electron microscopy
H. Amara, R. Gatti (LEM), J. Nelayah, C. Ricolleau (MPQ), O. Ersen (IPCMS), M. Moreaud (IFPEN)

2D materials and spectroscopies

2DMS1 - New perspectives and complementaries for electron and X-ray spectroscopies
A. Juhin (IMPMC), L. Bocher (LPS)

2DMS2 – Growth of 2D materials: structural, optical and electronic properties
A. Andrieux-Ledier (ONERA), M. Jamet (Spintec), A. Michon (CRHEA), G. Prévot (INSP), J. Coraux (Ins. Néel), A. Ouerghi (C2N)

2DMS3 - Electronic and optical excitations in bulk and low-dimensional materials
C. Attaccalite (CINaM), E. Cannuccia (PIIM)

2DMS4 - Optical spectroscopies and plasmons
A. EnNaciri, Y. Battie (LCP-A2MC), M. Voué (Univ. Mons), B. Gallas (INSP)

2DMS5 - Ultrafast dynamics in 2D and quantum materials
R. Géneaux (IRAMIS), S. Houver (LMPQ), E. Jal (LCPMR), C. Richter (LPMS), F. Vialla (ILM), M. Weber (IMMM)

Nanostructures and nanomechanics

NN1 - Optomechanics and nanomechanics
D. Lanzillotti-Kimura (C2N), A. Louchet-Chauvet (Ins. Langevin), P. Verlot (LuMIn)

NN2 - Mechanics at the nano-scale : in-situ measurements and simulation under extreme conditions
S. Comby-Dassonneville, J. Amodeo (IM2NP), S. Kalácska (LGF), T. W. Cornelius (IM2NP)

NN3 - From single molecule to supramolecular or polymerized layer on surfaces
S. Clair (IM2NP), T. Léoni (CINaM), C. Loppacher & L. Nony (IM2NP)

NN4 - Nanoparticles for energy
F. Vernay (PROMES), I. Lisiecki (MONARIS), V. Russier (ICMPE), D. Ledue (GPM)

NN5 - Properties of metal clusters and nanoparticles
H-C. Weissker (CINaM), M. Hillenkamp (ILM)

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